The Selection Committee consists of eminent personalities who have been Bharat Gaurav awardees in the past. Every 2 years, the committee chooses an individual leader who has been a Bharat Gaurav or a Lifetime Achievement awardee in the past and has an impeccable record of parliamentary work.

The Committee takes its decisions strictly on the basis of merit and the work done. The decision of the Committee is final and binding. The Committee has impeccable credentials and long experience. The committee includes eminent personalities from the fields of Education, Social Service, Sports, Journalism etc. The committee members are highly respected in their fields and are competent to search out and identify deserving talents without any discrimination or bias.

It is the standard procedure to invite recommendations every year from 1stApril to 31st July from all State / UT. Recommendations received from them and also from other sources like Member of Parliament, District Collector, Superintendent of Police, as also individual bodies etc., are placed before the Bharat Gaurav Award Committee.

Bharat Gaurav Award Committee decides the awardees based upon the application and by also conducting its own external vetting, research and recommendations. While no rigid criteria or trenchant formula for selection is applied by the Bharat Gaurav Award Committee, it looks the life time achievement of an individual while making a selection. There ought to be an element of public service in the achievements of the person to be selected. The award is given for ‘special services’ and not merely for long service. It should not be merely excellence in a particular field, but the criteria has to be “excellence plus”.

Persons selected for the awards are subjected to verification by the researching group of Bharat Gaurav Award Foundation with a view to ensuring that their character and antecedents are above board. The Bharat Gaurav Awards are conferred on the recommendations made by the Bharat Gaurav Award Committee, which are submitted to the Chairman / President / General Secretary for approval. The Awards are announced on the eve of Bharat Gaurav Award every year.

Protocols and Standards

Setting a legacy at the epitome of prestige requires dedicated, detailed and at par contributing efforts on all fronts. To set, standardise and regulate the functioning of Bharat Gaurav Award Foundation, Bharat Gaurav Standard Control Council was set up.

In August 2020, the BGSCC board penned the ‘Bharat Gaurav First Charter of Recognitions and Awards’ that sets the event objectives, criteria and categories for the Bharat Gaurav Awards. It also sets the standards for event management, protocols for dignitary handling, stage etiquettes and many other associated elements to ensure the prestige and aura associated with the recognition.