Dedicated to India's Unsung Heroes

The Bharat Gaurav Award Foundation instituted the Bharat Gaurav Awards and the Lifetime Achievement Awards in the year 2017 with a view of giving recognition and motivation to the unsung heroes across the country who are working hard for the betterment of the lives of the underprivileged. The awards are conferred by leading lights of the Indian Government every year on a grand stage in New Delhi at a gala awards ceremony. The attempt is to motivate the awardees to redouble their efforts in the service of the country, and also, by example, encourage millions of others to emulate them and do their bit to build a New India of our dreams.

The Bharat Gaurav Award Foundation confers 21 Bharat Gaurav awards and 05 Lifetime Achievement Awards every year. Over the years, our effort has received

tremendous response from not just ordinary Indians, but also from the political leadership and administrative leadership of the country at the highest levels. One can imagine how motivating it would be for a hitherto unrecognized achiever to receive such recognition at the hands of such a high dignitary. We are happy that Union Ministers, Members of Parliament, IAS officers, IPS officers, Governors, Chief Ministers, leading businesspersons, personalities from the media etc. are associated with the Bharat Gaurav Award Foundation and are driving this mission to build a New India.

The selection of awardees every year is done by the eminent Selection Committee put in place by the Bharat Gaurav Award Foundation. No recommendation is accepted. All nominations must be accompanied by a letter from the District Magistrate (IAS), Superintendent of Police (IPS) and the Member of Parliament of the area where the nominee has implemented the work which is to be considered by the Selection Committee while deciding the award. The Bharat Gaurav Awards are the prestigious civilian honour in the country. Recipients of this award include Union Ministers, Governors, Members of Parliament, IAS officers, IPS officers, Social Workers, Sportsperson, Businesspersons and Film personalities etc. who have made significant contributions to nation building.